My No BS Skincare Routine


My video on TikTok blew up - I had no idea so many people would be interested in the products I use for my skin, so here’s a more detailed overview including my backstory:

When I was 11, I got badly sunburnt on a family trip overseas to Vietnam. It was the beginning of a painful 3 years. What would be typically dismissed as just a ‘sunburn’ and ‘just whack some aloe vera onto it’ turned into highly sensitive skin that would inflame and blister at the first touch of direct sunlight. It was incredibly odd, and my GP couldn’t figure out the diagnosis. I can’t remember if my mum took me to a dermatologist, but all I recall is that I spent years cycling through different products, from anti-inflammatories, anti-bacterial medication, beauty brands like Shishedo to Chinese medicine.

With my face often in a state of redness, blisters, and rashes, I was understandably embarrassed about going to school. I’ll never forget the hammering blow to my self-esteem one day when my year 6 teacher (who I wrongly trusted to be respectful and caring), yelled out in front of the whole class “what happened to your FACE?”.

Ironically, it was my brother who ‘solved’ my dermatology puzzle. My lips had blistered up at that time, and I could barely talk because of the open wounds. He gave me a yellow Vaseline bottle that had been sitting on his bedroom shelf - a long-forgotten object amidst his clutter of other brotherly things - and said “just try this”.

“But Vaseline isn’t for the lips, it’s for skin!”, I muttered, as if I was a ventriloquist.

“Dude, what are your lips made out of?”, he retorted.

Fair call.

After 3 long years, it was finally the beginning of the end. Despite my mum spending hundreds on products that promised recovery, my brother managed to cure me with a dusty $7 dollar Safeway bottle. My skin miraculously healed within days. I regained my confidence again and for the first time, I was told that I had ‘nice skin’ - say what?!!!

Because of this experience, I promised myself to always look after my skin as diligently as possible so that I’d never fall back into whatever mysterious condition I had at that time. I wish I had photos to show you. I wish I knew what had happened to my skin! But that will be a mystery I’ve come to accept has been solved in the best way possible.

As such, I’ve always gravitated towards a simple skincare routine. If I don’t have to use more products than I need to, I won’t. I will also lean towards skincare that’s gentle on the skin because for the longest time I was afraid my condition would flare up without a moment’s notice. I’m grateful now because 15+ years later, I’m 30 and my skin is thriving. I’m convinced that my diligence has strengthened my skin so much so that I don’t need to confine myself to ‘sensitive' skin-only products anymore. I can wear whatever makeup brand I want, which is so liberating!

So here’s my routine over the years. You’ll notice as I get older I’m adding more products, and a lot of the time it’s because multiple products will work synergistically in combination with others.

My teenage skincare routine:

  1. Moisturiser morning ☀️ + night 🌙. Use any that you like. I recommend Aveeno Skin Relief ($6). It’s great for anyone who has sensitive skin, including eczema (which I have also!).

My 25-year-old skincare routine:

  1. Moisturiser morning ☀️ + night 🌙.

  2. Vitamin C morning ☀️. Vit C is supposed to brighten your skin tone and reduce pigmentation. I LOVE Paula's Choice BOOST C15 Super Booster ($62). I had tried The Ordinary’s Vit C but found it irritating on my skin. Despite the higher price point, Paula’s Choice is super gentle so it’s worth it for me!

  3. Sunscreen morning ☀️ + afternoon 🌥. I should’ve started sunscreen earlier but shit happens. I will use sunscreen EVERY 👏 DAY 👏. No sun? Who cares? Not the UV rays. Therefore, sunscreen it still is. I will also reapply in the afternoon after lunch. EVEN if I’m sitting inside all day. UV rays bounce everywhere man.

    I use Avene SPF 50+ Face Emulsion ($26). It’s a physical sunscreen, so great for anyone who is allergic to chemical sunscreens (I’m also allergic to sunscreens)! I pay a little more for this one because it’s doesn’t leave a white film on the face, so it’s perfect for the daily. It also has a really nice slight scent which isn’t too ‘sunscreen-smelling’.

  4. Niacinamide night 🌙. Niacinamide improves your skin cell’s barrier function and I use The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% ($21). I’m not going to pretend I know all the details, so I’ll link you to my favourite online dermatologist, Dr Davin Lim. I highly recommend you follow him - he’s a treasure chest of knowledge!

  5. Retinol night 🌙. Retinol helps to increase your skin turnover and therefore reduce pigmentation and wrinkles, as well as increasing your collagen (keeps your skin plump 😉). I use The Ordinary Granactive Retinoid 2% Emulsion ($18). The Ordinary has so many formulas, but this is apparently their most gentle (and therefore beginner-friendly), with the lowest irritability. With retinol, you want to start on a low dose then gradually titrate upwards as your skin gets used to the chemical. Retinol can cause irritation so it’s best to start off slow. Some people do once every other night with their retinol application.

Here’s my current 30-year-old skincare routine:

  1. Moisturiser morning ☀️ + night 🌙.

  2. Vitamin C morning ☀️.

  3. Sunscreen morning ☀️ + afternoon 🌥.

  4. Niacinamide night 🌙.

  5. Retinol every second night 🌙. This is because I’ve added AHAs into my routine (see below).

  6. Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) alternating with retinol every other night. AHAs help peel away the surface of the skin so that new, more evenly pigmented skin cells may generate and take their place. It works in a similar fashion to retinol and can cause irritability, which is why I alternate the days between the two. I’m currently using REN’s AHA ($54). I’m not convinced I love it, and it’s expensive. According to Dr Davin Lim (lol I’m such a fan girl), AHAs are good for people with dry skin, whereas BHAs is more suited to acne-prone or oily skin (this is why I get my boyfriend the Paula’s Choice BHA)!

I’ll keep updating this blog, but that’s all I have time for today!

P.S I get this question a lot: In which order do you use your products? The answer is simple, go from thinnest consistency product to the thickest ;) You’re welcome! 💁🏻‍♀️✨


How I started my blog


Journey (and my) Story